Thursday, May 14, 2009


I used to love having crepes, but for some reason with all the other breakfast foods we make we've never made crepes...until this morning when I decided to make them while Chris was still sleeping! I don't remember where this recipe is from exactly, except that it's in my recipe book from when I was a teenager, so it's definitely old school! The nice thing about crepes is the possibilities for filling them are endless. Chris gave me a bite of one of his creations (powdered / icing sugar and a little lime juice sprinkled on top) and it was yummy! But my favourite was a little peanut butter and sliced bananas and then drizzled (as you can see) with some homemade syrup! Wow...although I was full I sure wanted more! I think the only thing I might have liked more was some nutella instead;)

4 eggs
1 1/3 cup milk
2 tbsp oil, or melted butter/margarine
1 cup flour
1/2 tsp salt (*optional)
Beat eggs slightly, then add remaining ingredients and beat until batter is smooth. Heat crepe pan or non-stick skillet over medium high heat (approximately 375 degrees). Spray PAM to cover the pan. Using a ladle, pour approximately 1/4 cup of batter into the pan and tip to spread the batter to the edges, making a nice round crepe. You can also use the bottom of the ladel to help swirl the batter outward into a large circle. Once you start to notice some small bubbles on the top and the edges are dry and have turned a light brown flip the crepe over and cook until lightly browned on the other side. Fill crepes with your favourite topping or combination of toppings and serve.

As I said, the possibilities are endless, but here's a few to get you started:
-strawberries, blueberries, peaches, bananas
-peanut butter
-strawberry freezer jam
-sprinke with powdered/icing sugar
-drizzle with caramel, homemade syrup, lime or lemon juice
Makes approximately 8-10 crepes, depending on how big and thick you make them.
*Note: To keep crepes soft and warm until you're ready to serve them, place cooked crepes in a baking dish with a lid or a tortilla warmer inside a 200 degree oven.
*Note: Crepes are supposed to be thin, but if you want them a little thicker, just use a little more batter!

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