Friday, May 8, 2009


I'd never even heard of Æbleskivers until Chris and I got married. Whenever we go visit his parents in Cali or have family breakfasts together up here his mum knows she needs to make them. They're one of Chris's favourite breakfast foods (he couldn't commit to them being his favourite because let's face it he loves a lot of breakfast foods) and as they take a little longer to make than other breakfast foods we don't make them as often.

If you're wondering what they are, they're basically a Danish pancake in the shape of a sphere. Wikipedia noted that they are a cross between American pancakes and a popover. Chris's mum used to have to get her Æbleskiver pans from Solvang (a city in California that is known for it's Danish bakeries, restaurants, merchants and architecture), but lucky for you, you can get them pretty much anywhere now.

2 cups flour
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
2 cups buttermilk *
3 eggs, separated
1 tsp vanilla
3 tbsp melted butter

Stir dry ingredients together. Add the buttermilk, egg yolks, and vanilla to the dry ingredients and beat until smooth. Beat the egg whites separately and fold into the batter along with the melted butter.

Heat the Æbleskiver pan over medium high heat and pour a small amount of oil into the bottom of each rounded cavity. Once the oil is hot pour a small amount of batter into each cavity (almost filling each cavity). Use a skewer or fork to flip it over once the bottom is cooked and then cook the other side.

You can also drop little bits of banana, apple, or berries in the middle of each as well while you're cooking them!

They are traditionally served with jam and powdered/icing sugar, however we also serve them with fruit and homemade syrup (as pictured above).

Makes approximately 42 Æbleskivers (6 batches).

*Note: To make 2 cups of buttermilk, pour 2 tbsp lemon juice (or white vinegar) into a measuring cup and add enough milk to make 2 cups. Let it for 5 mins.

*Note: To keep Æbleskivers warm until you're ready to serve them, place them in a baking dish with a lid or a tortilla warmer inside a 200 degree oven.


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